This section provides details about the functions of each menu in the menu bar of RINEARN Graph 2D.
File Menu
Open File
Opens coordinate data files. You can specify multiple files at once. Click the "OPEN" button to add the data files you want to plot, and finally, click the "PLOT" button to render them on the graph.
Open Data
Allows you to plot numerical sequence data that has not been saved as a file. Paste the contents of a coordinate data file or copy data from a spreadsheet into the popped-up text area. Click "PLOT" to plot the data on the graph.
* Note: This operation can also be performed by right-clicking on the graph screen and selecting "Paste Data" from the menu that appears.
Save Image
Saves the current graph screen as an image file. You can choose from BMP, JPEG, or PNG formats. Enter a name and click the "Save" button.
By default, the image will be saved in the same location as the coordinate data files that are currently open. To save the image in a different location, click the "SET" button under the "Location" section and specify the desired location.
For JPEG files, you can specify the image quality in the "Quality" section. Higher quality results in a clearer image but increases the file size. BMP and PNG formats always save with full, lossless quality.
Save Setting
Saves the current settings. You can choose the location to save the settings file from the following options:
2: Data-File Directory
3: Home Directory
4: Quick Settings
Options 1 and 3 are automatically loaded every time RINEARN Graph 2D starts, making them suitable for saving basic settings. Option 2 saves the settings in the same folder as the currently opened data file, and these settings are loaded when opening files from that folder. Option 4 adds the settings to the Quick Settings selector at the top-right of the graph window.
Edit Menu
Clears all current graph information.
Set Range
Specifies the range to be plotted on the graph. Enter the minimum and maximum values for both the X and Y axes.
Set Color
Configures the colors of the graph. When multiple coordinate data files or multi-series files are plotted, the graph will be color-coded based on these settings.
Set Fonts
Sets the fonts used for axis labels, titles, and other text in the graph image.
(Important) Fonts are generally protected by copyright, and individual licenses apply. If you plan to publish images created with RINEARN Graph via papers, the internet, or other media, ensure that the font license permits such use.
Additionally, some fonts may be incompatible with this software, which may result in a different font being used. If you are using a font for the first time in RINEARN Graph, be sure to verify that the intended font is being applied correctly before publishing the image.
Set Scale
Allows you to configure the number of scale ticks along the X and Y axes. You can also specify the format of tick labels in the "Format" section. To define a custom format, uncheck the "Auto" option and enter a format string in the input area next to "Format=" based on the examples below.
- To display as "1.23":
- Enter 0.00
- To display as "1.23E4":
- Enter 0.00E0
- To truncate decimals and display as "1":
- Enter 0
Set Rendering
Configures the width and height of the graph screen, as well as the margin settings. You can also enable or disable anti-aliasing (a process that smooths the edges of text, points, and lines to reduce pixelation).
Option Menu
Line Plot
An option to connect coordinate points with lines.
Point Plot
An option to plot coordinate points as small circles.
Dot Plot
An option to plot coordinate points as tiny dots.
Ball Plot
An option to plot coordinate points as circles of customizable sizes.
LogX, Y
An option to display the graph using logarithmic scales. To use this option, the coordinate data must not contain zeros or negative numbers.
In RINEARN Graph, you don't need to worry about whether the logarithmic base is 10 or a natural number (e.g., Euler's number). This is because the conversion formula for logarithmic bases ensures that graphs with different bases are proportionally equivalent, differing only in the tick labels. In RINEARN Graph, the tick labels display the actual values rather than their logarithms (e.g., "1000" is displayed instead of "3"). As a result, the graphs remain identical regardless of the logarithmic base.
In normal axis mode, the tick labels form an arithmetic sequence. Thus, aligning the maximum and minimum plot range values neatly ensures well-aligned tick labels. However, in logarithmic axis mode, the tick labels may appear as irregular numbers.値に揃います。
To solve this, utilize the fact that the tick labels on logarithmic axes form a geometric sequence. Start by setting the maximum and minimum values to powers of 10. For instance, if the maximum value divided by the minimum value equals 10 to the power of 5, set the number of ticks to 5. This ensures that each tick forms a geometric sequence with a common ratio of 10, resulting in neatly aligned tick labels.
Gray Screen
An option to change the background to gray. When turned off, the background is white. A gray background is suitable for work on LCD screens, while a white background is better for printing.
Grid Lines
An option to draw grid lines (vertical and horizontal lines connecting ticks) in the background.
Zero-Level Lines
An option to draw vertical and horizontal lines at X=0 and Y=0.
An option to draw boundary lines between the gray area and the margins.
An option to draw scale ticks on the graph.
8-byte Scale
A mode to display scale tick labels with high precision, up to about 16 digits of an 8-byte floating-point number.
Tool Menu
A tool to display graphs as animations. Selecting this item from the menu opens a window for controlling the animation.
First, choose the type of animation from the "MODE" options at the bottom of the animation tool window.
- Animates from the starting point to the endpoint in point line/plots.
- Animates from the starting point to the endpoint in line/point plots with an overlay effect.
- Animates by switching between data series over time.
* Note: For animations that treat series as time (INDEX-SERIES), empty lines in two-column format coordinate files are considered as series separators. In matrix format coordinate files, Y-values belonging to different columns are treated as separate series.
After selecting the mode, click the "PLAY" button to start the animation or the "STOP" button to pause it. Similar to general video players, you can jump to a specific time using the large bar on the right. Additionally, you can adjust the playback speed using the smaller bar below it. To end the animation, close the animation window.
Math Plot
A tool for generating coordinate data from mathematical expressions and plotting them on the graph. Enter a expression into the input window labeled "Y(\
* Note: A new math plotting tool is available in the "Program" menu. This tool is from an older version but is maintained for compatibility for users accustomed to its interface.
Program Menu
Executes programs written in VCSSL, the scripting language natively supported by RINEARN Graph 2D. Users can create their own programs to control RINEARN Graph 2D and automate processes. For more details, see the later chapters.
If you place your VCSSL programs in the "RinearnGraph2DProgram" folder, they will appear in this menu for quick selection and execution. By default, this folder includes pre-installed programs, such as those for math-expression plotting.