Enum Class RinearnGraph3DOptionItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<RinearnGraph3DOptionItem>, Constable

public enum RinearnGraph3DOptionItem extends Enum<RinearnGraph3DOptionItem>
リニアングラフ3D(RINEARN Graph 3D)のプロットオプションを表す列挙型です The enum representing the plotting options of RINEARN Graph 3D .
この列挙型は、主にデータファイルを開く RinearnGraph3D.setOptionSelected メソッドの引数として使用します。
This enum is mainly used as an argument of RinearnGraph3D.setOptionSelected method.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    「ブラックスクリーン(Black Screen)」オプションです Represents "Black Screen" option .
    「等高線プロット(With Contours)」オプションです Represents "With Contours" option .
    「ドットプロット(With Dots)」オプションです Represents "With Dots" option .
    「平面化(Flat)」オプションです Represents "Flat" option .
    「フレーム(Frame)」オプションです Represents "Frame" option .
    「グラデーション(Gradation)」オプションです Represents "Gradation" option .
    「グリッド(Grid)」オプションです Represents "Grid" option .
    「線プロット(With Lines)」オプションです Represents "With Lines" option .
    「対数軸 X(Log X)」オプションです Represents "Log X" option .
    「対数軸 Y(Log Y)」オプションです Represents "Log Y" option .
    「対数軸 Z(Log Z)」オプションです Represents "Log Z" option .
    「曲面プロット(With Meshes)」オプションです Represents "With Membranes" option .
    「メッシュプロット(With Meshes)」オプションです Represents "With Meshes" option .
    「点プロット(With Points)」オプションです Represents "With Points" option .
    「軸反転 X(Reverse X)」オプションです Represents "Reverse X" option .
    「軸反転 Y(Reverse Y)」オプションです Represents "Reverse Y" option .
    「軸反転 Z(Reverse Z)」オプションです Represents "Reverse Z" option .
    「目盛り(Scale)」オプションです Represents "Scale" option .
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • LINE

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem LINE
      「線プロット(With Lines)」オプションです Represents "With Lines" option .
    • POINT

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem POINT
      「点プロット(With Points)」オプションです Represents "With Points" option .
    • DOT

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem DOT
      「ドットプロット(With Dots)」オプションです Represents "With Dots" option .
    • MESH

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem MESH
      「メッシュプロット(With Meshes)」オプションです Represents "With Meshes" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem MEMBRANE
      「曲面プロット(With Meshes)」オプションです Represents "With Membranes" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem CONTOUR
      「等高線プロット(With Contours)」オプションです Represents "With Contours" option .
    • LOG_X

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem LOG_X
      「対数軸 X(Log X)」オプションです Represents "Log X" option .
    • LOG_Y

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem LOG_Y
      「対数軸 Y(Log Y)」オプションです Represents "Log Y" option .
    • LOG_Z

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem LOG_Z
      「対数軸 Z(Log Z)」オプションです Represents "Log Z" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem REVERSE_X
      「軸反転 X(Reverse X)」オプションです Represents "Reverse X" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem REVERSE_Y
      「軸反転 Y(Reverse Y)」オプションです Represents "Reverse Y" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem REVERSE_Z
      「軸反転 Z(Reverse Z)」オプションです Represents "Reverse Z" option .
    • FLAT

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem FLAT
      「平面化(Flat)」オプションです Represents "Flat" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem BLACK_SCREEN
      「ブラックスクリーン(Black Screen)」オプションです Represents "Black Screen" option .
    • FRAME

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem FRAME
      「フレーム(Frame)」オプションです Represents "Frame" option .
    • GRID

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem GRID
      「グリッド(Grid)」オプションです Represents "Grid" option .
    • SCALE

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem SCALE
      「目盛り(Scale)」オプションです Represents "Scale" option .

      public static final RinearnGraph3DOptionItem GRADATION
      「グラデーション(Gradation)」オプションです Represents "Gradation" option .
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static RinearnGraph3DOptionItem[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static RinearnGraph3DOptionItem valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null