Appendix - List of Built-in Functions/Variables

On the RINPn, some functions and variables are available by default. Among them, frequently used functions/variables are shown in the list of this page.

- Table of Contents -
Most of following functions/variables are provided by Vnano Standard Plug-ins. For the full list of available functions/variables and more detailed specifications of them, see specification documents of Vnano Standard Plug-ins.

Built-in Functions

rad( degree )

The conversion function from degree to radian.

Example: rad( 180.0 )

deg( radian )

The conversion function from radian to degree.

Example: deg( 2.0 * PI )

sin( x )

The sine function. The unit of the argument "x" is radian.

Example: sin( PI / 2.0 )

cos( x )

The cosine function. The unit of the argument "x" is radian.

Example: cos( 2.0 * PI )

tan( x )

The tangent function. The unit of the argument ®x® is radian.

Example: tan( PI / 4.0 )

asin( x )

The inverse function of sine (arc-sine). The unit of the result is radian.

Example: asin( 1.0 )

acos( x )

The inverse function of cosine (arc-cosine). The unit of the result is radian.

Example: acos( 1.0 )

atan( x )

The inverse function of tangent (arc-tangent). The unit of the result is radian.

Example: atan( 1.0 )

sqrt( x )

The square-root function.

Example: sqrt( 4.0 )

ln( x )

The logarithm function with the base "e" (napier number).

Example: ln( 10.0 )

log10( x )

The logarithm function with the base "10".

Example: log10( 1000.0 )

pow( x, exponent )

The function which returns the value of "x" to "exponent"-power.

Example: pow( 2.0, 3.0 )

exp( exponent )

The function which returns the value of "e" (napier number) to "exponent"-power.

Example: exp( 1.2 )

abs( x )

The absolute-value function.

Example: abs( -1.23 )

sum( ... )

The summation function.

Example: sum( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

mean( ... )

The mean-value (arithmetic mean) function.

Example: mean( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

van( ... )

The variance function ( denominator : n ).

Example: van( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

van1( ... )

The variance function ( denominator : n-1 ).

Example: van1( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

sdn( ... )

The standard-deviation function ( denominator : n ).

Example: sdn( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

sdn1( ... )

The standard-deviation function ( denominator : n-1 ).

Example: sdn1( 1.23 ,   4.56 ,   7.89 )

length( array, dim )

The function which returns length of the "dim"-th dimension of an "array".

Example: length( array, 0 )

output( value )

The function to display the calculated value of scripts. On GUI mode, the value will be displayed on "OUTPUT" text-field (so when this function is called multiple times, the displayed value will be overwritten). On CUI mode, the value will be outputted on the standard-output as a line.

Example: output( 1.23 )

print( value )

The function to display long and multiple-line texts in general purpose. This function can display contents of arbitrary number of any type values/arrays with delimitting tab-spaces. On GUI mode, the value will be appended to the content of a text-area on an independent window, without line-feedings. On CUI mode, the value will be outputted to the standard-output, without

Example: print( 1.2 , 3.4 , 5.6 )

println( value )

Almost the same with the above "print" function, but this function displays/outputs the content with line-feedings.

Example: println( 1.2 , 3.4 , 5.6 )

Built-in Variables


The constant variable storing the value of the circle ratio π.

Value: 3.141592653589793