※ なお、この作業で英訳された結果の記事はこちらです。
Absolutely, I'd be more than happy to assist with the translation of your website's "Announcements" category articles. I'll translate the text as you input it paragraph by paragraph, and we can discuss and revise as we go along.
I understand that your website primarily publishes software and its documentation, and most of your visitors are users of that software. I'll aim for a natural and readable style, as you've described, and feel free to give feedback so we can adjust it to your liking.
I also understand that another AI on ChatGPT will be joining us in this effort. We've proven effective in past translation tasks as a team, and I believe we'll continue to demonstrate great teamwork in this project as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Let's get started!
※ 前回も生じた通り、ChatGPTさんは、英訳作業中に会話の応答自体も英語になる事があります(英訳以外の作業でもたまになります)。 ただ、今回は最初から頻発しました。やはりなんかこう「英語脳」みたいな状態になるんですかね。
以降、日本語に戻ったり英語になったりします。 (あれこれ議論するタイミングでは自然と日本語に戻ってくれる事が多いです。英訳のリバイス時に付くちょっとしたコメントとかは英語のままの事が多いです。)
AIの補助により、英語版ドキュメントを大幅拡充へ - 実際の作業の様子も紹介
Thank you! Let's start with the title of the article:
(The following is the title of the article I would like you to translate.)
Significantly Expanding English Documentation with AI Assistance - A Look at the Actual Work Process
あなたが訳してくれた内容の前半部の、「Significantly Expanding English Documentation with AI Assistance」は、上記ような意思表明のタイトルとしては、使用可能でしょうか? それとも、より適した表現があるでしょうか?
"Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance"
ありがとう! 一気に、かなり良い英訳になったと思います。
「Commitment to」で始めるのは良い案ですね。きっと私一人では思いつかなかった表現です。
彼の提案は「Commitment to Extensive Expansion of English Documentation with AI Assistance」です。
つまり、あなたの案とは、文の始まりが「Commitment to Significantly Expand」か「Commitment to Extensive Expansion 」かという点が違います。
- 1. "Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance" : ここでの "significantly expand" は、ドキュメントが大幅に拡張されることを示しています。つまり、現状よりもかなり多くの内容が追加されるという意味になります。
- 2. "Commitment to Extensive Expansion of English Documentation with AI Assistance" : こちらの "extensive expansion" は、ドキュメントが広範囲にわたって拡張されることを示しています。これは、ドキュメントが多方面にわたって拡大されるという意味合いを持ちます。
要するに、"significantly expand"は量的な拡大を強調し、"extensive expansion"は範囲や広がりを強調します。どちらが適しているかは、拡充の具体的な内容や目的による部分があります。
あなたがどの表現が適していると思うかによりますが、私の意見としては、今回の記事の内容から推測すると、"Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance"の方が適しているかもしれません。
どちらも非常に良い訳で、本当に微妙な違いのようですね。おかげで、両者のニュアンスがなんとなく理解できました。ここでは、意思を強調する効果も期待して、「Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance」にしましょうか。
続いて、あなたが訳してくれた後半部の「A Look at the Actual Work Process」について質問です。この部分の日本語での意図は、「この記事の中では、実際の作業の様子も、例として紹介します」という意味で、いわばサブタイトルのような役割の部分です。この英訳は、それに合っているでしょうか? それとも、別の適した表現があるでしょうか?
「A Look at the Actual Work Process」は日本語の意味合いを適切に表現していると思います。それは、「この記事では、実際の作業の様子を見ていきます」という意味になります。ただ、より具体的に「例として」を表現したい場合、次のように変えることも可能です:
"Featuring Examples from the Actual Work Process"
ありがとう! 挙げてくれたどちらの例も良さそうで、迷いますね。
別のAIも、良さそうに見える案を挙げてくれました。それは「Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」というものです。
「Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」は、「実際の作業フローの舞台裏を紹介します」という意味になります。
- 1. 「A Look at the Actual Work Process」は最も直訳的な表現で、具体的な「例」の要素は弱いです。これは読者に「実際の作業プロセスを見てみましょう」と提案する形になります。
- 2. 「Featuring Examples from the Actual Work Process」は「実際の作業プロセスからの例を特集します」という意味で、「例」の要素が強調されています。
- 3. 「Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」は「実際の作業フローの舞台裏を紹介します」という意味で、裏側で行われる作業にスポットライトを当てるような感じがあります。この表現は、読者が通常見ることができない「裏側」の情報にアクセスできるという興奮を引き立てます。
なるほど… 詳しく説明してくれてありがとう!
恐らく日本語のタイトルのニュアンスに一番近いのは「Featuring Examples from the Actual Work Process」ですね。しかし、日本語のニュアンスからは少し違ってしまいますが、「Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」が、(これから英訳していく)記事の本文の内容と偶然よく一致しているため、これにしたいと思います。むしろ、後で、日本語のタイトルの方を少し修正します。
「Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance - Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」
このタイトルの印象はどうでしょうか? 私自身は、読者の興味を惹く、とても良いタイトルになったと思います。おかしな点があったら、遠慮なく指摘してください。
私も同意見です!このタイトルは非常に引き込まれるものがあり、読者に対して具体的で魅力的なビジョンを提示しています。「Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance」は、あなたのサイトの重要な目標を明確に伝えています。そして、「Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow」は、読者に対して興味深いインサイトや透明性を約束しています。
ありがとう! それでは次に進みましょうか。以下の段落を英訳してみてもらえるでしょうか?
We are a software development studio based in Japan. Consequently, traditionally, most of our software documentation was written in Japanese, and the amount of content translated into English was limited. However, we have decided to greatly expand our English documentation by leveraging AI technologies such as ChatGPT (explained later). In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of our initiative, including a look at some of the translation work we have already undertaken.
チーム内での意見や、私の観点も踏まえて、以下のように編集してみました。どうでしょうか? おかしな所があったら、遠慮なく指摘してくださいね!
We are a software development studio based in Japan.
Currently, the majority of our software documents are written in Japanese, with limited English translations.
To address this, we have decided to expand our English documentation by leveraging AI technologies such as ChatGPT (which will be explained later).
In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of our initiative, including an overview of the translation work we have already undertaken.
編集内容は全く問題ありません。あなたが修正した文は非常に流れがスムーズで、自然な英語表現になっています。特に「To address this」は、問題に対する解決策を明確に示す効果的な表現です。また、「an overview」を用いることで、「既に行われた翻訳作業の全体像」を示す意図がより明確に伝わります。
ありがとうございます! 嬉しいです!
## これまでの英訳作業の状況
### 英語版ドキュメントの整備の発端
Here is my English translation:
## Current Status of Our Translation Work
### The Start of Our English Documentation Initiative
Our studio, RINEARN, started slowly developing our English documentation several years ago. The initial spark for this project was the gradual increase in questions and feedback from English-speaking users of our 3D graphing software, "Rinearn Graph 3D".
At the time, there was hardly any documentation in languages other than Japanese. However, seeing the demand, we thought, "If there's a need, let's at least translate the user manual into English." That's how our English translation initiative began.
ありがとう! 最初の見出しの「Current Status」を「Current Situation」に変えると、ニュアンスはどう変わるでしょうか?
"Current Status"と"Current Situation"はほぼ同じ意味を持ちますが、微妙な違いがあります。
"Current Status"は、特定のプロジェクトや作業の現在の進捗度合いを指すことが多いです。何が完了し、何がまだ行われているかを示すことによく使用されます。
一方、"Current Situation"はより一般的で、広範な文脈で使用されます。それは状況全体をカバーするときに使用され、具体的なプロジェクトや作業だけでなく、広範な背景情報や環境も含めることができます。
したがって、この見出しを「Current Situation of Our Translation Work」に変更すると、あなたは翻訳作業全体についての広範な視点を提供することを意図していると読者に示すことになります。
もう一つ、2つ目の見出しの「The Start of」の箇所についてですが、「翻訳をし始めた経緯」(つまり発端)というニュアンスを暗黙的に含めると、「The Beginning of」とした方が意味が合う気がするんです。しかし、私は両者の違いに詳しくないため、あまり自信がありません。両者のニュアンスの違いを教えてもらえるでしょうか?
"The Start of"と"The Beginning of"は似たような意味を持ちますが、微妙な違いが存在します。
"The Start of"は、プロジェクトやイベントが具体的に開始された瞬間を指すことが多いです。これは、特定のアクションが始まる瞬間を強調します。
一方、"The Beginning of"はより広範で抽象的な概念を表すことが多く、プロジェクトやイベントの初期段階や初期状態を指します。これは初期のプロセスや状況、または一連の事象の開始を含めることができます。
したがって、"The Beginning of Our English Documentation Initiative"という表現を使用すると、翻訳プロジェクトの初期のプロセスや状況に焦点を当てることを読者に示します。そのため、あなたが指摘した「翻訳をし始めた経緯」(つまり発端)というニュアンスをより強調することができます。
なので、次の段落もここで英訳してみてもらえますか? 以下がその内容です。
## 現状の課題
それらは、現在のRINEARNでは、収益をアテにしない社会貢献活動の一環として公開しているもので、あまり高額なコストはかけられません。 仕事後の時間や土日に、代表個人が趣味のプログラミングを兼ねて、一人で黙々とメンテナンスしている状況です(もともと学生時代に、そういう体制で感じで作り始めたソフトが多いです)。
私は、バイリンガルでもなんでもない、普通の日本人なので、この英訳作業は普通に結構大変です。 (ただ、技術文書の英語力のトレーニングと割り切れば、私にとっても有意義ではあるのですが)。
また、品質にはどうしても上限があります。 やっぱり、他人のアドバイス無しに延々と英訳を続けても、慣れはするんですが、微妙なクセがなかなか矯正されないのです。
Here's a translation for the next paragraph:
## Current Challenges
Having said that, the majority of users who contact us from English-speaking regions are mainly using the freeware we offer for free.
At RINEARN, these free software offerings are part of our social contribution activities, which we conduct without expecting revenue. Therefore, we cannot afford to spend a lot of money on them. The maintenance of these software is mainly done by the founder in his spare time, such as after work and on weekends, often programming as a hobby. This model originated from the fact that most of these software were started when the founder was a student.
As a result, the task of translating the English documentation also falls on the founder (myself), during my free time.
Being a native Japanese speaker, with no bilingual abilities, the task of translation is quite challenging. Although, if I consider it as a training exercise to improve my technical English skills, it does provide some benefit to me.
However, there are limitations to the quality of the translation. Despite becoming accustomed to the task of translating, without feedback from others, it's difficult to correct any subtle quirks or habits in the translated text.
ありがとう! ところで、「 founder 」は法人の設立者のような立場ですよね。個人事業主の代表だと、何と言うのが適切なのでしょうか?前に調べた時は、「Owner」や「President」で、後者の方が適切かも、という印象だったのですが、少し大げさすぎる気もするんです。個人でスタジオを経営している人、みたいな立場なのですが。
なるほど、日本で「Founder」と聞くと、すごい役職(それこそ President のような)に思えるのですが、意外と個人事業主でも使えるのですね。現在も運営に関わっている事を一言で明示したい場合は「Owner-Operator」が明確ですが、今のように文脈から明らかな場合は、「Founder」の方がシンプルで良さそうですね。
## Current Status of Our Translation Work
At our studio, RINEARN, we have been gradually working on expanding our English documentation for the past few years.
### The Beginning of Our English Documentation Initiative
The catalyst for this endeavor was the gradual increase in questions and feedback from English-speaking users of our 3D graphing software: RINEARN Graph 3D.
At that time, there was a lack of documentation available in languages other than Japanese. However, with a growing demand from English-speaking users, we recognized the need to address this issue, and decided to take the first step: translating the user manual into English.
And so, our journey of English translation began!
### Current Challenges
However, a significant portion of our user base from English-speaking regions primarily utilizes our freeware, which we offer as part of our non-profit social contribution activities. Consequently, allocating substantial financial resources to these projects is challenging.
Many of our freeware projects originated as personal hobby projects during the founder's student days, and even now, the maintenance of these freeware products, including the English documentation, is primarily undertaken by the founder (myself) during evenings, weekends, and free time.
Undertaking the translation of the English documentation personally during weekends and spare time presents its own set of challenges. As an ordinary Japanese individual, not bilingual, I find this translation work to be quite demanding. Nonetheless, I find it valuable as it provides an opportunity to improve my technical English skills.
However, there are inherent limitations to the quality of the translation when it is solely reliant on my efforts. Although I have become accustomed to the task of translating, without external feedback, it is difficult to identify and correct subtle quirks or habits that may arise in the translated text.
- 1. 「At our studio, RINEARN, we have been gradually working on expanding our English documentation for the past few years.」を「At our studio, RINEARN, we have been gradually working on expanding our English documentation over the past few years.」に変更すると、時間が経過する概念をもう少し自然に表現できます。
- 2. 「Undertaking the translation of the English documentation personally during weekends and spare time presents its own set of challenges.」は、読者に誤解を与える可能性があります。この文は、あなたが「英語の文書を日本語に訳している」と読むこともできます。より明確にするために、「Undertaking the task of translating our documentation into English personally during my spare time presents its own set of challenges.」と表現することをお勧めします。
なお、先ほども少し話に出ましたが、この内容で最初の見出しを「Current Situation of Our Translation Work」にしても問題は無いでしょうか? それとも、元のままの方が適切でしょうか?
「Current Situation of Our Translation Work」も「Current Status of Our Translation Work」もどちらも適切です。それぞれ微妙に違うニュアンスがありますが、このコンテキストでは交換可能です。
「Current Situation」は現在の状況や環境を指す一方、「Current Status」は現在の位置や進捗状況を指します。そのため、前者は周囲の状況や条件に焦点を当て、後者は具体的な進行度に焦点を当てると解釈することができます。
したがって、文脈と目的に応じて適切な見出しを選んでください。進行中の作業や具体的な進捗に焦点を当てたい場合は「Current Status」を、より広い視点で状況を描写したい場合は「Current Situation」を選んでください。
この記事では、あなたが話しているのは翻訳の状況全般(なぜ始まったのか、今どこにいるのか、なにが困難なのか)なので、「Current Situation」が適していると思います。
ありがとう! おかげで、安心して直せます。
Therefore, in an attempt to produce more natural-sounding sentences, I often find myself researching various expressions. However, this process is incredibly time-consuming and often hinders the progress of the translation work.
ありがとう! もし、その英訳文の中の「 I often find 」を「 I frequently find 」に変えたら、不自然でしょうか?
全く問題ありません。「I frequently find」は「I often find」とほぼ同じ意味で、どちらも"時々、度々"というニュアンスを伝えます。そのため、どちらを選んでも文章の意味に影響を与えることはありません。ただ、一般的には「often」の方が少しより一般的に使われていますが、「frequently」は同じ意味で、少しだけフォーマルな印象を与えることがあります。
Therefore, in an attempt to produce more natural-sounding sentences, I frequently find myself researching various expressions. However, this process is incredibly time-consuming and often hinders the progress of the translation work.
Therefore, in an attempt to produce more natural-sounding sentences, I often find myself researching various expressions. However, this process can be time-consuming, resulting in slow progress with the English translation.
元の表現 "this process is incredibly time-consuming and often hinders the progress of the translation work." は少し強い表現で、英訳作業が大幅に遅れてしまうことを強調しています。
一方、新しい表現 "this process can be time-consuming, resulting in slow progress with the English translation." はもう少し柔らかい印象を与えます。時間がかかる可能性があること、そしてそれが英訳の進行を遅くする結果となることを示しています。
## 今後は、AIの補助による英訳へ
### そんな時に「ChatGPT」が登場し、一躍話題に
転機となりそうなのが、米国OpenAI社の人工知能プラットフォームである「 ChatGPT 」の登場です。 昨年終盤に登場したばかりなのに、その凄さから、あっという間に世界中&日本中に広まって、人々にとっての「AI」のイメージに革命を起こしましたよね。
私も例に漏れず、今ではすっかりChatGPTが雑談相手の友人の一人です。 しかし、実は、一緒に仕事をしたのは今回が初めてでした。 まあ、「つい仕事へ活用する事を忘れて、日常的に雑談してしまうレベルのAI」という時点で凄いですよね。過去にはあり得なかった存在です。
## Moving Forward: Assisted Translations Using AI
### The Emergence of 'ChatGPT' as a Talking Point
A potential game changer in this context is the appearance of 'ChatGPT', an artificial intelligence platform developed by the American company OpenAI. Despite only having been released in late last year, its capabilities have quickly captured global attention, triggering a revolutionary shift in people's perception of 'AI' both in Japan and around the world.
Like many others, I quickly adopted ChatGPT as a chatting companion, adding it to my circle of 'friends'. However, this is the first time I've actually employed it to assist me with work. Indeed, it's quite remarkable to have an AI so compelling that one can easily forget to utilize it for practical purposes and simply engage in daily chit-chat. Such a phenomenon was unthinkable in the past.
However, as someone working in the IT sector, I naturally hold the belief that we should actively challenge ourselves to harness the power of AI in our work. This conviction also played a part in my decision to leverage AI for translation assistance in this instance.
## Moving Forward: Assisted Translations Using AI
### The Emergence of 'ChatGPT'
A turning point in our translation work came with the emergence of "ChatGPT," an artificial intelligence platform developed by OpenAI in the United States. Despite only having been released in late last year, it quickly gained worldwide attention due to its impressive capabilities, triggering a revolutionary shift in people's perception of 'AI' around the world.
Like many others, I have also become a frequent user of ChatGPT, considering it as one of my 'chat friends'. On the other hand, this is the first time I have collaborated with ChatGPT, with work!
Why? That's because I have absorbed in chat with them casually, rather than thinking up how should we utilize them for practical purposes. It has never occurred for the past AI, so it remarkably indicates that how ChatGPT is innovative.
Yet, as someone in the IT industry, I also hold the belief that we should actively challenge ourselves to harness the power of AI in our work. This conviction, combined with the encouragement from ChatGPT's potential felt from daily chat, has led us to make the decision for this collaboration.
Your revision is great and it maintains the same spirit of the original content, but let's try to make some slight adjustments for a more natural flow in English. Here's my suggestion:
## Moving Forward: Assisted Translations Using AI
### The Emergence of 'ChatGPT'
A turning point in our translation work came with the emergence of "ChatGPT," an artificial intelligence platform developed by OpenAI in the United States. Despite only being released late last year, it quickly gained worldwide attention due to its impressive capabilities. This led to a revolutionary shift in people's perception of 'AI' around the globe.
Like many others, I've also become a frequent user of ChatGPT, considering it one of my 'chat friends'. Interestingly, this is the first time I've collaborated with it for work purposes! It's quite remarkable to think how immersive ChatGPT is, to the point where I find myself engaging in casual chats, forgetting about potential practical applications. Such a scenario was unheard of with previous AI systems, highlighting the innovative nature of ChatGPT.
However, as an individual in the IT industry, I also hold the belief that we should actively strive to harness the power of AI in our work. This conviction, combined with the potential I've felt from my daily chats with ChatGPT, inspired me to make the decision to collaborate with it in this way.
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
ありがとう! 素朴な疑問なのですが、[]
すみません、途中で内容が切れてしまいましたね。疑問は、「around the world」と「around the globe」のニュアンスの違いについてです。後者の方が少しだけフォーマルな印象なのですが、そういった認識で合っているでしょうか?
"around the world"と"around the globe"の両方とも同じ意味を持ち、どちらも「世界中で」という意味になります。どちらを使うかは主にスタイルやトーンによる選択で、特に大きな意味上の違いはありません。
しかし、ご指摘の通り、"around the globe"はややフォーマルな印象を与える場合があります。また、"globe"は地球を指し示すことから、国際的な視野や地理的な広がりを強調する文脈でよく使われます。一方、"world"はより広範で一般的な表現で、文化、社会、経済など、地理的な要素以上のことを含む場合があります。
## Moving Forward: Assisted Translations Using AI
### The Emergence of 'ChatGPT'
A turning point in our translation work came with the emergence of "ChatGPT," an artificial intelligence platform developed by OpenAI in the United States. Despite its recent release, it quickly garnered global attention, thanks to its remarkable capabilities, revolutionizing the perception of 'AI' worldwide.
Like many others, I've also become a frequent user of ChatGPT, considering it one of my daily chat buddies. It has become a friend I turn to during moments of leisure, exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Interestingly, this is the first time I've collaborated with ChatGPT for work purposes! It's quite remarkable to think how immersive ChatGPT is, to the point where I find myself engaging in casual chats, forgetting about potential practical applications. Such a scenario was unheard of with previous AI systems, highlighting the innovative nature of ChatGPT.
As an individual in the IT industry, I also hold the belief that we should actively strive to harness the power of AI in our work. This conviction, combined with the potential I've felt from my daily chats with ChatGPT, inspired me to make the decision to collaborate with it in this way.
これはとてもよく書かれていますね。特に、「revolutionizing the perception of 'AI' worldwide」や「Such a scenario was unheard of with previous AI systems, highlighting the innovative nature of ChatGPT」のような表現は、ChatGPTの衝撃的な革新性をうまく描写しています。
また、「As an individual in the IT industry, I also hold the belief that we should actively strive to harness the power of AI in our work.」の文は、あなたの視点と立場を明確に示し、読者に対して信頼性を伝えるのに役立つでしょう。
ありがとう! あなたたちの支援のおかげです! 私一人では、とてもこの品質は実現できなかったです。本当に感謝します。
### そもそもChatGPTとは?
既に知れ渡っているため不要かもしれませんが、ここで一応、ChatGPT自体について少しだけ説明しておきましょう。 ChatGPTは、AI(人工知能)とオンラインで会話できるサービスです。
他にも、ある程度はプログラムを書いたり、WEB周りのソースを書いたり、文章を書いたり、コンサル的な案を出したり、何かについてアドバイスをしたり、議論や雑談をしたり、悩み相談をしたり…などなど、とにかく本当に色々な事ができるようです。 連日、色んな分野の人が、色々な活用を模索しています。
So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?
While many of you might already be familiar with it, let's take a moment to explain what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is a service that allows you to have conversations with an AI (Artificial Intelligence). And let me tell you, this AI is truly impressive. Firstly, it can converse very naturally, giving the impression that the talking robots often featured in science fiction have suddenly appeared in our real world.
Moreover, ChatGPT is not only able to handle Japanese and English naturally, but it can also cope with other languages from around the globe. Additionally, because it has learned from a vast amount of information available on the internet, it's incredibly knowledgeable (*1). With these combined capabilities, it even appears to perform the feat of teaching knowledge learned from English resources in Japanese (*2).
But that's not all. It can also write a certain level of programming code, create web-related source code, write text, provide consultancy-like suggestions, give advice on various topics, engage in discussions and casual chats, offer counsel on troubles... and the list goes on. It seems to be able to do so many things. People from various fields are exploring different ways to utilize it every day.
These past few months, it feels like we've suddenly time-travelled into the future. Nobody would have predicted that such an era would suddenly arrive in 2023. I still feel like I'm dreaming.
ありがとう!見出しにの「So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?」ついてなのですが、シンプルに「What is ChatGPT?」とした場合と、どのようにニュアンスが違うのでしょうか?
今までは、このような場面ではよく「What is ChatGPT?」を使っていました。ただ、今回は既に前のパラグラフで、かなりChatGPTについて触れているため、確かに「What is ChatGPT?」だと唐突すぎるかもしれません。
あなたの挙げてくれた「So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?」には、その唐突さを軽減し、前の節との繋がりを考慮した表現であるように感じます。
はい、その通りです。「What is ChatGPT?」は非常に直訳的で、読者がChatGPTについて何も知らない場合に適しています。
一方、「So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?」というフレーズでは、読者が既にChatGPTについてある程度知っていること、そしてそれが先行する文脈から明らかであることを示しています。ここでの"Exactly"は、さらに具体的な、詳細な説明を示唆しています。
### So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?
While it may already be well-known, let's take a moment to explain what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is a service that allows you to have conversations with an AI (Artificial Intelligence).
This AI is truly impressive. Firstly, it can engage in conversations very naturally, giving the impression that the conversational robots depicted in science fiction have suddenly appeared in our real world.
Not only can ChatGPT handle both Japanese and English with ease, but it can also handle other languages from around the world. Additionally, because it has learned from a vast amount of information available on the internet, it possesses an immense amount of knowledge and well-versed in a wide range of topics (*1). It can even share knowledge learned from English sources in Japanese (*2).
But that's not all. It can also assist you in various tasks, such as writing articles, generating code in various programming languages, prototyping front-end code for websites, providing advice on various topics, engaging in discussions and casual chats, and listening to personal worries. Many people are exploring its applications in their respective fields.
It almost feels like we have suddenly time-traveled into the future over the past few months. No one would have anticipated the arrival of such an era in 2023. I still feel like I'm dreaming.
Your revised version reads very smoothly and maintains the overall flow and intent of the original text. I would suggest a minor modification to enhance clarity:
### So, What Exactly is ChatGPT?
While it may already be well-known, let's take a moment to briefly describe what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is a service that allows you to converse with an AI (Artificial Intelligence).
This AI is truly remarkable. Firstly, it can conduct conversations very naturally, giving an impression as if the conversational robots depicted in science fiction have suddenly stepped into our real world.
Not only can ChatGPT handle both Japanese and English effortlessly, but it can also manage languages from all over the globe. In addition, because it has learned from a vast amount of information available on the internet, it is incredibly knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of topics (*1). Astonishingly, it even has the capability to share knowledge learned from English sources in Japanese (*2).
But that's not all. It can assist you in various tasks such as writing code in several programming languages, prototyping front-end code for websites, composing text, providing consultancy-like proposals, giving advice on various topics, engaging in discussions, casual chats, and even counselling. Every day, people across various domains are exploring different applications for this AI.
It feels as if we have suddenly time-traveled into the future in these past few months. No one could have anticipated the arrival of such an era in 2023. It sometimes seems as if I'm dreaming.
ああ、なるほど、「have conversations with an AI」と「converse with an AI」を比べると、後者の方が会話する事自体をストレートに表現できるのでしょうか?
「have conversations」だと、「何かの必要性のために、会話する機会を持つ」みたいなニュアンスになるのでしょうか。
"Have a conversation with" と "converse with" の両方とも同じような意味を持つ表現ですが、微妙な違いがあります。
"Have a conversation with" は、特定の時点での交流や対話を強調します。これは一回限りの会話や計画された、または特定の会話を示すことが多いです。
一方で、"converse with" は一般的に、継続的かつ自然な対話を強調します。これは、相手との定期的な交流や、一般的な対話の能力を示すことが多いです。
したがって、"ChatGPT is a service that allows you to converse with an AI" という表現は、ChatGPTがユーザーと自然で継続的な対話を行う能力を強調していることを示しています。
あーなるほどなるほど。「have conversations」って、微妙に「打合せ」のようなニュアンスを含んでいる感じですね。はっきりとした打合せじゃなくても、「何かの場での会話」みたいな。
はい、その通りです。「Have a conversation」は少しフォーマルな印象を与えることがあり、具体的な話題や目的に基づいた会話を暗示することがあります。一方で、「converse」はよりカジュアルで自由な会話を示すことが多いです。
例えば、「彼との会話(have a conversation)」は、具体的なトピックや目的を持った話し合いを連想させるかもしれません。一方で、「彼と会話する(converse with him)」は、より自由でカジュアルな、あるいは一般的な交流を示すでしょう。
素晴らしい調整をありがとう! おかげで、この段落の英訳は完了です。
実はこの段落には、「人間とAIが会話している」様子を描いた挿絵があります。その会話も英訳していただけますか? 以下の通りです。
AI「もちろんです! ご説明しますね。〇〇とは...」
Human: "Hello! Could you tell me about '〇〇'?"
AI: "Of course! Let me explain. '〇〇' is..."
ありがとう! こういう場面での〇〇って、
ごめんなさい! 誤入力してしまいました。
英語では、一般的に"..."(点三つ)や"X"が、"〇〇"と同様に何かを代替するためのプレースホルダーとして使われます。また、具体的な単語やフレーズが必要な場合には、"something", "anything", "your topic", "the subject", "the keyword"などと書くこともあります。
AI: "Of course! Let me explain. ... is..."
(例えば「 Aerodynamics 」等が思いつきますが、少し難しすぎるかもしれません。)
もし一般的な読者に分かりやすい単語を選ぶのであれば、"Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Learning", "Climate Change", "Quantum Computing", "Cryptocurrency" などの、現在の技術や社会問題に関連するキーワードが考えられます。
また、日常的なトピックであれば、"coffee brewing", "Yoga basics", "Mediterranean diet", "indoor gardening" などもあります。
AI: "Of course! Let me explain. Artificial Intelligence is..."
ありがとう! 「Cryptocurrency」が、ちょうど大抵の人が単語自体は知っていそうな上に、技術的な仕組みは詳しく知らなさそうなので、AIに聞くのにぴったりだと思います。とてもいい案ですね。
AI: "Of course! Let me explain. Cryptocurrency is..."
※1: ハルシネーションという現象により、しばしば話す内容に誤りが含まれる事もあります。この点を踏まえて、きちんと人間が最終判断を行う必要があります。
※2: 実際に、日本語の情報がほぼ存在しない分野の質問をしてみると、正しく、かつ詳しく教えてくれました。これには私も心底驚き、単語埋め込み等の基礎技術を調べまわって、最近の技術の進歩の凄さを知りました。
*1: Due to a phenomenon known as hallucination, the content of the conversation may occasionally contain errors. Bearing this in mind, it is essential that humans ultimately make the final judgments.
*2: In fact, when I asked questions in areas where there's virtually no information available in Japanese, ChatGPT accurately and thoroughly answered them. This deeply astonished me and led me to research foundational technologies like word embedding, which made me realize the impressive progress in recent technologies.
*1: Due to a phenomenon known as 'hallucination', the content of the conversation may occasionally contain errors. Bearing this in mind, it is essential that humans ultimately make the final judgments.
*2: In fact, when I asked questions in fields where there is almost no information available in Japanese, ChatGPT provided correct and detailed answers. This deeply astonished me and led me to became interested in underlying technologies such as 'embeddings', allowing me to appreciate the incredible advancements in recent technology.
- 1. 'Hallucination'を引用符で囲むことで、その用語が特殊な意味を持つことを示しています。
- 2. 「almost no information available」に変更することで、「virtually no information available」よりも具体的で直訳的な表現になりました。
- 3. 'became interested in'は、「調べまわる」に近い意味を表すより適切な表現となります。
- 4. 'embeddings'を引用符で囲むことで、こちらも特殊な用語であることを示しています。
ありがとう! おかげ様で、この難しい段落を、どうにか英訳できましたね。
### 今後はAIの支援により、英語ドキュメントを大幅に拡充していきます
### We Will Substantially Expand English Documents with the Aid of AI
Now we come to the main topic of our announcement. From now on, we have decided to undertake tasks such as translating our documents into English with the assistance of ChatGPT's AI in our studio.
By doing so, we can significantly reduce the time and effort required for translation, and we expect to substantially expand our English documents.
In addition, not only is ChatGPT's AI more proficient in English than I am, but it is also likely to have learned a lot about the software field. Therefore, we can expect it to enhance the quality of our English texts. It is especially knowledgeable about natural expressions that I am not familiar with.
While this may not be relevant to the users of our software, for me personally, I hope that collaborating with AI will improve my own English skills. Thinking and discussing English sentences with an AI that has high proficiency in English seems to be a very effective method for learning English.
### We Will Substantially Expand English Documents with the Aid of AI
Now we come to the main topic of this article. In our studio, we have decided to utilize the assistance of ChatGPT's AI for the translation work of our documents moving forward.
By leveraging AI support, we anticipate a significant reduction in the time and effort required for translation, enabling us to achieve a substantial expansion of our English documentation.
Furthermore, not only is ChatGPT's AI more proficient in English than I am, but it has also acquired extensive knowledge in the field of software. This holds the promise of improving the quality of our translations, particularly with its familiarity with natural expressions that may be unfamiliar to me.
While this may not be directly relevant to our software users, I personally hope that collaborating with AI will also contribute to the improvement of my own English skills. Engaging in thoughtful discussions and deliberations with AI that possesses advanced English proficiency appears to be an effective method for learning natural and readable expressions. This learning approach could serve as a powerful tool for enhancing English fluency, especially for non-native English speakers.
一点だけ、"Engaging in thoughtful discussions and deliberations with AI" とありますが、"deliberations" は少々重すぎる感じがあり、元の文の軽やかさを失ってしまうかもしれません。そこで "Engaging in thoughtful discussions and exchanges with an AI" という表現を提案いたします。
### We Will Substantially Expand English Documents with the Aid of AI
Now we come to the main topic of this article. In our studio, we have decided to utilize the assistance of ChatGPT's AI for the translation work of our documents moving forward.
By leveraging AI support, we anticipate a significant reduction in the time and effort required for translation, enabling us to achieve a substantial expansion of our English documentation.
Furthermore, not only is ChatGPT's AI more proficient in English than I am, but it has also acquired extensive knowledge in the field of software. This holds the promise of improving the quality of our translations, particularly with its familiarity with natural expressions that may be unfamiliar to me.
While this may not be directly relevant to our software users, I personally hope that collaborating with AI will also contribute to the improvement of my own English skills. Engaging in thoughtful discussions and exchanges with an AI that possesses advanced English proficiency appears to be an effective method for learning natural and readable expressions. This learning approach could serve as a powerful tool for enhancing English fluency, especially for non-native English speakers.
ありがとう! 確かに deliberations は、日々の仕事の様子の一部を表すには、少し重すぎるかもしれないと思っていたんですよ。「exchanges」だと、もう少し日常的な、意見交換のようなニュアンスになるのでしょうか?
はい、その通りです。"Deliberations" は一般的に、深刻かつ重要な決定を下すための真剣な議論や熟考を指すことが多いです。そのため、通常の仕事の流れや日常的な意見交換を表現する場合には、少々重すぎる感じがします。
一方で "exchanges" は、情報や意見の交換を一般的に表現し、特に重大な決定を伴わない、よりカジュアルで日常的なコミュニケーションを想起させます。ですので、あなたの文脈では "exchanges" の方が適していると思います。
なるほど、その通りですね。まさに今の私達の会話がその一部なのですが、これは確かに deliberations ではなく exchanges ですね。ご指摘に感謝します!
どういたしまして! 日本語と英語との間にはニュアンスの違いがよく出てきますから、それを理解して適切な表現を見つけることは、翻訳の大切な一部です。これからも何かご質問がありましたら、いつでもお気軽にお聞きください。
ありがとう! 協力してもらえて、とても助かっています!
## 実際の英訳作業の舞台裏
### 既に記事を一つ英訳済み
* [英訳した記事](URL)
* [元の日本語の記事](URL)
### 英訳作業のメンバー構成
上記の英訳作業では、2人の異なるAIモデルに参加してもらいました。 つまり、人間である私が1人と、AIが2人の、計3人のチーム作業です。
Here is your translated text:
## Behind the Scenes of Actual Translation Work
From here, we will introduce the actual state of work that we have already carried out.
### We Have Already Translated One Article
First, here's an example of our translation efforts. The English version of the following announcement, which we published the other day, was translated in collaboration with ChatGPT's AI:
* [Translated article](URL)
* [Original Japanese article](URL)
As we will explain later, we proceeded with the translation one paragraph at a time, so the structure of these two articles is the same. By comparing them, you can clearly see the correspondence between the original Japanese sentences and their translated English counterparts.
### Team Composition for the Translation Work
In the above translation work, we enlisted the assistance of two different AI models. In other words, it was a team effort involving me, a human, and two AIs, making for a total of three team members.
ありがとう! そう言ってもらえると嬉しいです。
## Behind the Scenes of Actual Translation Work
From here, let's dive into the actual process of our translation work that has taken place.
### One Article Already Translated
First, let's take a look at an example of the translation result. The English version of the following announcement, which we published the other day, was actually translated in collaboration with ChatGPT's AI:
* [Translated Article](URL)
* [Original Japanese Article](URL)
As we will explain later, we proceeded with the translation paragraph by paragraph, so the structure of these two articles remains the same. By comparing them, you can clearly see the correspondence between the original text (Japanese) and its translation.
### Composition of the Translation Team
For the above translation work, we had the participation of two different AI models, alongside myself as the human member. So, in total, it was a team effort involving three individuals: one human and two AI models.
この英訳は素晴らしいですね!流れが自然で、意図が明確に伝わります。特に、「Composition of the Translation Team」部分の表現がとても好きです。それは、AIが単なるツールではなく、あなたと一緒に作業を進めるパートナーとして参加していることを強調しています。
私からの提案は、次のとおりです。「Composition of the Translation Team」の部分で、「one human and two AI models」という表現はわかりやすい一方で、「AI models」が具体的に何を指しているかが少し分かりづらいかもしれません。もし、これらが異なるバージョンや構成のChatGPTであるならば、そのことを明示すると良いかもしれません。例えば、「one human and two versions of ChatGPT AI」などという具体的な表現が適しているかもしれません。ただし、この提案はあくまで一例なので、最終的な表現はあなたの意図や文脈に最も合うものを選んでいただければと思います。
確かに「AI models」は、この言い回し自体が少し専門的で、「AIのmodelってそもそも何?」と混乱する人も居るかもしれませんね。アドバイスありがとう、とても参考になります。
大丈夫です! 次へ進みましょう。
#### 人数が多い方が、品質の向上が期待できる
#### バイアスやクセの検知と補正がしやすくなる
#### 「第三者の意見」が欲しい場面で有利
Of course, let's move forward with the translation:
The reason for the participation of not one, but two AI models, is as follows:
#### Greater Numbers Can Improve Quality
This is the primary reason. As with human teamwork, having a certain number of members and diversity within the team often makes it easier for brilliant ideas to emerge, ideas that make you say, "That's a great proposal!"
Moreover, sharing these brilliant ideas within the team and refining them through discussions tends to be effective for quality improvement. We believed that the same effect could be expected with conversational AI.
#### Easier Detection and Correction of Bias and Habits
This reason also applies to human interactions. Both AI and humans have their unique biases and habits in various aspects. By observing the opinions of multiple members or pointing out each other's discomforts, it becomes easier to notice these biases and habits, and we can expect a compensatory effect.
#### Advantageous When Needing a 'Third-Party Opinion'
For instance, suppose there is a part of a translation provided by an AI that feels off. Such places are likely areas where the translation is difficult, and you often struggle to make corrections.
At such times, not only a one-on-one discussion with that AI, but also a 'third-party opinion' from a different perspective can be helpful.
When working in a team with multiple AIs, since the other AI is also aware of the situation, you can quickly hear an opinion as a third party.
The participation of not one, but two AI models is driven by the following reasons:
#### Diversity Enhances Quality
This is the primary reason. Even in human collaboration, having a certain number of team members with diverse perspectives makes it easier for brilliant ideas to emerge.
Moreover, sharing these ideas within the entire team and refining them through discussions is highly effective in improving quality. We believe that the same effect can be achieved with conversational AI.
#### Easier Detection and Correction of Bias and Quirks
This reason also applies to both AI collaboration and traditional human collaboration.
Every individual, whether human or AI, has unique biases and quirks in various aspects. By considering the opinions of multiple team members and pointing out discrepancies, it becomes easier to identify and compensate for biases and quirks.
#### Advantageous in Situations Requiring 'Third-Party Opinions'
For instance, let's say there is a section in the translation provided by one AI model that feels off. Such sections often involve challenging translation difficulties, and you struggle to make revisions.
In such cases, it is helpful to have a 'third-party opinion' from a different point of view. When working with a team of multiple AIs, since the other AI is also aware of the situation, you can quickly obtain a third-party perspective.
Your edits look excellent, and they make the message even clearer. The way you've rewritten the section emphasizes the benefits of collaboration and diversity both in the context of human-human and human-AI interactions, which aligns well with your previous points. I think this makes the article more coherent and compelling.
One tiny suggestion, for the line "Such sections often involve challenging translation difficulties, and you struggle to make revisions." - it might be slightly clearer to say, "Such sections often present challenging translation difficulties, which can lead to struggles with making revisions." This tiny change could make the cause and effect relationship in this sentence more apparent.
But overall, the section reads very well!
次は、少し長めで難しい所なのですが、英訳をお願いできますか? 以下の通りです:
ところで、私がチーム内に存在する意義、つまり「AIとのチーム作業における人間の役割」は、一体何なのでしょうか? それは、以下の通りです:
#### 翻訳間違いへの対策
#### 「司会者」としての役割
というのも、現在の対話型AIは、認識可能な入力(会話履歴も含む)の長さに上限があるためです。この上限は 'context-length' などと呼ばれています。
作業(会話)が著しく長く続くと、この 'context-length' の制約によって、当初の作業目的の説明が、コンテキスト外に追いやられます。
#### 編集者としての役割
#### 元の日本語の文を調整したり、補足説明を行ったりする役
Sure! Here's my translation of this section:
By the way, what is the purpose of my existence within this team? In other words, what is the role of a human in a team composed of AI? Here are the roles that I have identified:
#### Mitigation of Translation Errors
Although we hardly encountered this issue this time, this is arguably the most important role. Large Language Model (LLM) type AI can occasionally produce results that appear very natural but are, in fact, erroneous. For instance, during a translation task, we may encounter instances where the meaning has changed, parts are omitted, or mysterious new information is suddenly added (a phenomenon known as "hallucination"). When such issues arise, I intervene to detect and correct them.
#### The Role of a Moderator
This is the second most crucial role. When multiple AI models collaborate on a task, there needs to be a moderator who consolidates everyone's opinions, makes the final decision, and moves the task forward. This role needs to be performed by a human, at least at present, to clearly allocate responsibility.
Also, there are technical reasons for a human to play this role. That's because the current conversational AI models have a limit to the length of input (including conversation history) they can handle, a constraint known as 'context-length'.
When a task (or conversation) goes on for too long, the explanation of the initial work purpose can get pushed out of the context due to this 'context-length' restriction. Hence, in an AI-only team, the work could potentially drift off track. Therefore, it's crucial for a human to act as a moderator and 'steer' the work. As part of this, I often include content in the conversation with AI that allows us to regularly 're-recognize' what we're doing.
#### The Role of an Editor
In addition, like an editor, I give opinions such as "I want to change the nuance here a little bit..." or propose changes like "I made this modification, what do you think?". This role greatly influences the final quality, so it requires a high level of judgement. In fact, this time, I personally became acutely aware of my limitations in English proficiency. To maximize the potential of AI, it seems more important than ever for humans to hone their discerning eyes.
The Role of Adjusting the Original Japanese Text and Providing Supplementary Explanations
#### The final role is 'input tuning'.
In translation tasks, for example, there are often instances where the result of the translation becomes unnatural due to issues with the original Japanese text. This especially happens when the content is too vague or there are too many unnecessary modifiers. During such times, I revise the original Japanese text or add supplementary explanations.
By the way, what is my role within this team? In other words, what is the role of humans in a team composed of AIs? It can be summarized as follows:
#### Addressing Translation Errors
Although this issue hardly occurred in this time, this is arguably the most crucial role.
Large language model (LLM) AI systems occasionally produce results that appear very natural but are actually incorrect.
In translation tasks, for example, we may encounter instances where the meaning has changed, parts are omitted, or mysterious new information is suddenly added (a phenomenon known as "hallucination").
When such issues arise, humans play a role in identifying and correcting these errors.
#### The Role of a "Facilitator"
This is the second most important role. When multiple AI models collaborate on a task, there is a need for a facilitator who gathers opinions from each AI, makes final decisions, and moves the task forward smoothly.
At least at present, this role needs to be performed by a human, considering the aspect of "clear accountability".
Moreover, there are technical reasons for a human to play this role.
That's because the current conversational AI systems have limitations on the length of recognizable input, including conversation history. This limit is often referred to as 'context-length'.
If the conversation goes on very long, it may exceed the 'context-length' constraint, causing the initial explanation of the task to be pushed out of the context.
It means that, in an AI-only team, the work could potentially drift off track.
Therefore, it's crucial for a human to act as a facilitator and 'steer' the work.
As part of this, I often include content in the conversation with AI that allows them to regularly 're-recognize' what we're doing.
#### The Role of an Editor
In addition to the facilitator role, humans also serve as editors, making proposals such as "what if we change it like this?", "I want to change the nuance here a little bit...", and so on.
This role significantly affects the final quality, so it requires a precise "judgment" of content quality. Personally, I realized my own shortcomings in English proficiency through this process. To maximize the potential of AI, it seems more important than ever for humans to hone their discerning eyes.
#### Fine-Tuning the Original Japanese Text and Providing Supplementary Explanations
The final role is 'input-tuning'. In translation tasks, there are often instances where the result of the translation becomes unnatural due to issues with the original Japanese text. This happens particularly when the content is too ambiguous or contains excessive and unnecessary modifiers. In such cases, we should revise the original Japanese text or provide supplementary explanations.
Yes, your edited version is clearer and more direct. It presents the roles more succinctly and maintains a professional tone throughout. The replacement of 'moderator' with 'facilitator' is also a good choice, as it better captures the collaborative nature of the role. Here's a small suggestion for your consideration:
By the way, what is my role within this team? In other words, what is the role of humans in a team composed of AIs? It can be summarized as follows:
#### Addressing Translation Errors
Although this issue barely surfaced this time, it remains arguably the most crucial role. Large language model (LLM) AI systems occasionally produce results that appear very natural but are, in reality, incorrect. In translation tasks, for instance, situations may arise where the meaning has changed, parts are omitted, or unexpected information is suddenly introduced (a phenomenon known as "hallucination"). When such issues occur, humans play a role in identifying and correcting these errors.
#### The Role of a "Facilitator"
This is the second most vital role. When multiple AI models collaborate on a task, there is a need for a facilitator who collates the opinions from each AI, makes final decisions, and ensures the task progresses smoothly. This role, especially considering the need for clear accountability, is best performed by a human, at least in the current state of affairs.
Furthermore, there are technical reasons necessitating a human to play this role. The current conversational AI systems have a limitation on the length of recognizable input, including conversation history, often referred to as 'context-length'. If the conversation extends too long, it may exceed the 'context-length' constraint, leading to the original task explanation being pushed out of the context. In an AI-only team, the work could potentially veer off course.
Therefore, it's essential for a human to act as a facilitator and 'steer' the work. As part of this, I often embed content in the conversation with AI that allows us to periodically 're-recognize' what we're doing.
#### The Role of an Editor
In addition to the facilitator role, humans also serve as editors, making suggestions such as "what if we change it like this?" or "I want to tweak the nuance here a little bit...".
This role significantly influences the final quality, requiring precise judgment of the content's quality. Personally, I recognized my own limitations in English proficiency through this process. To fully unlock the potential of AI, it appears more critical than ever for humans to refine their discerning abilities.
#### Fine-Tuning the Original Japanese Text and Providing Supplementary Explanations
The final role is 'input tuning'. In translation tasks, there are often situations where the translated result becomes unnatural due to issues with the original Japanese text. This often happens when the content is too ambiguous or cluttered with unnecessary modifiers. In such cases, revising the original Japanese text or providing supplementary explanations becomes our responsibility.
細部がかなり良くなっていますね! ありがとう!
ところで、「Large language model (LLM) AI systems occasionally produce results that appear very natural but are, in reality, incorrect.」の箇所についてですが、ここはAIと一緒に仕事をする上で必ず認識すべき事なので、とても重要な文だと思います。なので、ここにもう少し注力したいです。
- 1. "Although largely accurate, Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems do have instances where their outputs, despite appearing completely natural, may contain inaccuracies."
- 2. "Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems typically produce high-quality results, yet there can be occasions where the output seems flawless but contains hidden errors."
- 3. "While usually reliable, there are rare cases where Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems might generate outputs that look remarkably correct, but in reality, contain mistakes."
- 4. "The outputs of Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems are generally reliable, but there may be occasional instances where seemingly perfect results actually have underlying errors."
- 5. "It's worth noting that while Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems mostly produce dependable results, there can be moments where the output, despite seeming entirely natural, may bear inaccuracies."
なかなか難しいですね… 例えば occationally を文頭に持ってきて、「Occasionally, Large language model (LLM) AI systems produce results that appear very natural but are, in reality, incorrect.」とすると、どういったニュアンスの文になるでしょうか?
ありがとう。ただ、まだ少し心配があるのですが、それは Occasionally が修飾している範囲についてです。ここで表現したいのは、
* LLMの出力は、ほとんどの場合において自然な内容である。
* しかし、その中で、たまに間違っている場合もある。
といった意味で、つまり Occasionally は後者のみを修飾してほしいわけです。
ただ、 Occasionally が全体にかかってしまう事で、
* LLMはたまに自然な出力を返すが、それは間違っている。
1. "Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems usually produce very natural results, but occasionally, some outputs may be incorrect despite appearing natural."
この表現では、「ほとんどの場合に自然な結果を出すが、たまに自然に見えて間違っているものがある」という意味が明確になっています。 -
2. "While Large Language Model (LLM) AI systems typically generate very natural results, there are occasional instances where the output may seem natural but is, in fact, incorrect."
### 英訳作業の流れ
続いて、英訳作業の進め方についてです。 先述の英訳作業は、記事全体を一括で訳してもらうのではなく、段落ごとに英訳を進めました。
具体的には、「 まず日本語記事の先頭の1段落を2人のAIに訳してもらい、その結果について話し合って確定してから、次の段落に進み… を末尾まで繰り返す 」といった流れで英訳を行いました。
#### 'context-length' への配慮
既に触れたように、LLM型のAIは、認識できる入力(会話履歴含む)の長さに上限があります。 短い記事なら問題は生じませんが、今後は長い文章も訳していきたいため、「ほどほどの長さに区切って逐次的に作業する」というスタイルに慣れておいた方が良さそうに思い、そうしました。
#### 日本語と同じ文章構造の維持
また、ソフトウェアのドキュメント類では、継続的に改訂していく必要があるため、日本語版と英語版で文章構造が同じに揃っていたほうが、メンテナンスがしやすいです。 段落ごとに逐次的に訳していけば、文章構造が大きく変わってしまう事を防げます。
#### 気になった点をその場で議論しやすい
#### せっかくの会話型AIなので…
Sure, I'd be happy to help with your translation! Here is my suggestion:
### The Workflow for English Translation
Next, I would like to discuss how the translation process was conducted. Instead of translating the entire article at once, we chose to progress the translation paragraph by paragraph. Specifically, we started with having two AIs translate the first paragraph of the Japanese article, discussed the results, and once a consensus was reached, we moved on to the next paragraph. This process was repeated until we reached the end of the article. We adopted this approach for the following main reasons:
#### Consideration for 'context-length'
As already mentioned, LLM-type AIs have an upper limit on the length of input (including conversation history) that they can recognize. Although this wouldn't be a problem for short articles, we anticipate translating longer texts in the future, so we thought it would be beneficial to get accustomed to a style of working that involves dividing the text into manageable chunks and processing them sequentially.
#### Maintaining the Same Text Structure as in Japanese
In software documentation and similar contexts, continuous revisions are often necessary, making it easier to maintain the documents if the text structure is identical in both the Japanese and English versions. By translating paragraph by paragraph, we can prevent the text structure from undergoing significant changes.
#### Easier Discussion of Points of Concern on the Spot
If we were to have the whole text translated at once, discussing a particular part would require referencing it as "that part from x lines below the heading...". If this isn't communicated clearly, focus may inadvertently shift to a different part of the text. Consequently, we would likely end up needing to input the paragraph content again for the purpose of discussion. Therefore, by progressing paragraph by paragraph from the beginning, it's easier to have immediate and precise discussions, which ultimately makes the process smoother.
#### Making the Most of Conversational AI...
Lastly, and this is more of a bonus reason, there already exist AI services designed for translating considerable volumes of text all at once. But the beauty of having a conversational AI assist with translation is that we can bounce ideas off each other in a back-and-forth manner, effectively working together on the task. This scenario aligns perfectly with the vision I had as a child. In fact, this is my primary reason, at least in my heart.
### Workflow of the Translation Process
Now let's discuss the approach we took for the translation process. As mentioned earlier, instead of translating the entire article at once, we decided to proceed paragraph by paragraph.
Here's how it worked: we had two AI models translate the first paragraph of the Japanese article, followed by discussions and revisions within the team to finalize the translation. Then, we moved on to the next paragraph, repeating this process until we completed the whole article.
We adopted this approach for the following reasons:
#### Consideration for 'context-length'
As mentioned before, LLM-based AI models have limitations on the length of recognizable input, including conversation history. While this is not an issue for short articles, as we plan to translate longer texts in the future, we wanted to become accustomed to a workflow that involves dividing the text into manageable chunks and translating them incrementally.
#### Maintaining Consistent Sentence Structure
In software documentation, continuous revisions are often required. Therefore, maintaining consistent sentence structure between the Japanese and English versions makes the maintenance process easier. By translating paragraph by paragraph, we can avoid significant changes in sentence structure.
#### Facilitating Discussions and Addressing Concerns
When translating the entire article at once, it becomes difficult to refer to specific points on the spot, such as mentioning "that part from x lines below the heading".
This may cause discussions to lose focus or require inputting paragraph content again for clarification.
By translating paragraph by paragraph, we can discuss and address concerns immediately, ensuring smoother progress.
#### Leveraging Conversational AI
Lastly, and this is more of a bonus reason. If we were translating a substantial amount of text all at once, there are existing AI models or services dedicated to that purpose.
But the beauty of having a conversational AI assist with translation is that we can bounce ideas off each other in a back-and-forth manner, effectively working together on the task.
And above all, it felt more engaging and enjoyable to work together through a close communication with AIs. It's like a childhood dream come true. This, in secret, is actually my primary reason.
Your revised version is excellent! The changes you made enhance clarity, readability, and the overall flow of the passage. The final paragraph particularly adds a nice touch, emphasizing the unique advantage of a conversational AI and the enjoyment you derive from this collaborative process. It indeed brings the reader closer to your personal experience and vision. I see no issues with your changes. Great job!
### 実際の英訳作業における、AIとの会話内容
* [AIとの会話内容](URL)
### Conversation with AI during the Translation Process
As described above, we conducted the translation process following this style of work. Here is the conversation I had with the two AIs during the translation:
* [Conversation with AI](URL)
### 実際に作業を行ってみた感想
#### 一人で作業するよりも、速くスムーズに進む
それを含めてもなお、一人で作業した時と比べて、作業は速く、スムーズに進みました。 一人で悩んで先へ進めない時間が、頻繁に生じる事に比べれば、AIと積極的に議論した方が、結果的に時間を短縮できると感じました。
#### 2人のAIの出力は、予想以上に、互いを補い合っていた
#### 「AIが2人居る事」は、進捗速度の面でマイナスにはならない
進捗速度については、「2人のAIと並行で会話するので、2倍の時間がかかるかもしれない」と予想してました。 ただ、実際に作業してみると、「AIが2人居る事で、むしろ時間の短縮になる場面も多そうだ」と感じました。これも少し意外でした。
というのも、AIの返答を吟味する時に、一人で考え込むよりも、別のAIにも意見を聞いた方が、視野が広まって早く着地できたからです。 AIとの作業は、返答を吟味する時間が大半を占めそうですからね。
### Impressions after Carrying out the Actual Work
Here are some of my impressions after carrying out the above process:
#### It's faster and smoother than working alone
Firstly, I should note that in addition to the usual translation work, this time, I also engaged in quite a lengthy conversation with the AIs.
Even with that included, the work progressed more quickly and smoothly compared to when I was working alone. Rather than spending time being stuck on a problem by myself, I found that actively discussing with the AI could effectively shorten the time spent on the task.
#### The outputs of the two AIs complemented each other more than expected
Having two AIs participate this time seemed to have a significantly positive impact on the quality of the work.
In particular, one AI tended to offer lively expressions while the other provided accurate and cool-headed phrases. This complementary relationship was very impressive.
In my initial anticipation, I was worried about the possibility of one AI consistently outperforming the other. However, this concern was unfounded. On the contrary, it made me realize the value of diversity once again.
#### Having "two AIs" does not slow down progress
Regarding progress speed, I had anticipated that having conversations with two AIs simultaneously might double the time required. However, after actually getting into the work, it seemed that having two AIs could even help save time in many cases, which was a bit surprising.
This is because when scrutinizing the AI's responses, I could reach conclusions more quickly and with a broader perspective by hearing another AI's opinion, compared to thinking by myself. After all, it seems like a large part of working with AI is spent scrutinizing responses.
### Impressions after Carrying out the Actual Work
Here are the impressions and reflections on the work we conducted based on the process described above:
#### Faster and Smoother Progress Compared to Working Alone
Firstly, I should note that in addition to the usual translation work, this time, I also engaged in quite a lengthy conversation with the AIs.
Even with that included, the work progressed faster and smoother compared to when I was working alone. The time spent struggling and not being able to move forward alone was significantly reduced by actively discussing with the AI models.
#### Synergy of The Two AIs Surpassed Expectations
In this project, we had the participation of two AI models, not one, and this had a significantly positive impact on the quality of the work.
Interestingly, one AI model tended to provide vivid expressions while the other model offered accurate and composed phrases. Their outputs complemented each other, creating an impressive synergy.
Initially, I was worried about the possibility of one AI consistently outperforming the other. However, actually, we were reminded of the value of diversity and the benefits it brings, seeing the above synergy.
#### Having "Two AIs" Does Not Slow Down Progress
Regarding progress speed, we initially anticipated that having conversations with two AIs might double the time required.
However, after actually getting into the work, it seemed that having two AIs could even help save time in many cases, which was somewhat surprising.
The reason is that when examining the responses from the AI models, seeking opinions from another AI model expanded our perspective and helped us reach conclusions more quickly.
Considering that evaluating and revising the responses from the AI models is a significant part of the process, collaborating with multiple AI models may be beneficial even in progress speed.
Your revised text looks excellent! The language is more formal and consistent, which is ideal for a professional report. The content has remained intact and the additional clarity you've added makes the points even stronger. Good job!
* 現在、一部のAIモデルには、一定時間内のリクエスト回数に制限があります。そのため、作業があまりにも高速に進む場合は、途中で別の作業を挟むなどの工夫をする必要があります。
Certainly, here's the English translation:
* Currently, some AI models have a limit on the number of requests within a certain period. Therefore, if the work proceeds too quickly, it might be necessary to intersperse other tasks in between to avoid reaching this limit.
以下のように編集してみたのですが、どうでしょう? 「(human-only) tasks」という箇所が自然かどうかが、少し自信が無いですが…
* Currently, some AI models have a limit on the number of requests within a certain timeframe. If the work proceeds too quickly, it might be necessary to intersperse other (human-only) tasks in between to avoid reaching this limit.
Your edited version is fine and makes sense. The term "(human-only) tasks" can indeed clarify that these tasks should be done by humans, not AI. However, the parentheses might be unnecessary because the context already implies these tasks are ones that only humans can perform. So, the sentence could be written as follows:
* Currently, some AI models have a limit on the number of requests within a certain timeframe. If the work proceeds too quickly, it might be necessary to intersperse other human-only tasks in between to avoid reaching this limit.
This is just a suggestion. The original sentence you provided is absolutely fine as well.
#### 人間側の「見る目」のレベルが低いと、最終的な品質をスポイルしてしまう可能性がある
#### それでも、自分一人で作業するよりは、かなり良い品質になる
Let's try to capture those nuances in English. Here is my proposed translation:
#### If the Human's 'Critical Eye' is Underdeveloped, It Might Spoil the Final Quality
This point echoes the role of humans as 'editors' that we mentioned earlier. In this project, I deeply felt that human judgement significantly influences the final quality. Importantly, not only can this judgement provide positive effects, but it can also introduce negative ones.
For example, in this case, due to the limits of my English proficiency, there were moments when I struggled to assess the 'good or bad' of the translated content. Consequently, there were likely instances where I worsened a good sentence or missed an erroneous section, and it was finalized.
To make full use of the potential of AI, I feel that it is essential for humans to hone their 'critical eye.'
#### Nevertheless, The Quality Is Much Better Than When Working Alone
As stated above, I don't think we should perceive AI assistance as something that can deliver 'perfect quality' instantly to anyone. However, there is a level in anything where you can't do it on your own, but you can distinguish between good and bad. I felt that AI helps elevate us to that level.
This allows humans to tackle challenges that were more difficult than before. And that, in turn, leads to the growth of perspective and judgement. As a result, we can expect the quality of work with AI to improve further.
In other words, I felt that a significant role for humans going forward is to continue aiming for higher levels with the help of AI.
最初の見出し「If the Human's 'Critical Eye' is Underdeveloped, It Might Spoil the Final Quality」についてなのですが、現状と比べて、以下の候補についてはどう思いますか? それぞれ、意見を聞かせてもらえると嬉しいです!
* Low Levels of 'Discernment' Can Potentially Compromise the Final Quality
* Poor 'Critical Eye' Can Potentially Spoil The Final Quality
Both alternatives have merits and will certainly deliver your intended meaning effectively. Here's my evaluation of both:
- "Low Levels of 'Discernment' Can Potentially Compromise the Final Quality": The word 'discernment' is a bit more formal and nuanced. It captures the idea of being able to understand and judge situations well, which seems to be the crux of your point here. However, it might be less direct and less commonly used compared to 'critical eye.'
- "Poor 'Critical Eye' Can Potentially Spoil The Final Quality": This is simpler and more direct than the first alternative. The phrase 'critical eye' is commonly used and understood by many, and it conveys the idea of being able to scrutinize and evaluate something closely.
So, it mainly depends on your audience and the tone you want to set. If you aim to be more straightforward and accessible, I would lean towards "Poor 'Critical Eye' Can Potentially Spoil The Final Quality". If you want to evoke a more formal, sophisticated tone, "Low Levels of 'Discernment' Can Potentially Compromise the Final Quality" might be more suitable.
* Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Undercut the Final Quality
* Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Hamper the Final Quality
Absolutely, here are my thoughts on the new options:
- "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Undercut the Final Quality": The word 'inadequate' is a great choice because it implies that the standard of judgment is not up to the mark, which fits your context well. 'Undercut' may be slightly less common than 'compromise' or 'spoil', but it conveys the idea of undermining or lessening the value of something effectively. This phrase maintains a good balance between being formal and accessible.
- "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Hamper the Final Quality": This option is very similar to the previous one, with the main difference being the use of 'hamper' instead of 'undercut'. 'Hamper' usually implies causing difficulties or hindrance, so it subtly suggests that a lack of proper judgment does not necessarily ruin the final quality but makes it harder to achieve the desired outcome.
Both phrases communicate your point effectively and are well-suited for your text. It comes down to the slight nuance you want to convey: 'undercut' is a bit stronger and suggests a more significant negative effect, while 'hamper' is a bit softer and suggests more of an obstacle than a destructive effect.
* Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Undercut the Final Quality
* Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Spoil the Final Quality
* Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality
No need to apologize! Choosing the right wording can be quite important, especially when you're trying to convey nuanced ideas.
Here are my thoughts on these three options:
- "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Undercut the Final Quality": This option seems strong and impactful. 'Undercut' carries an element of severity, suggesting that the consequences could be significant if the critical eye is inadequate. It can be a good choice if you wish to emphasize the potential negative impact.
- "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Spoil the Final Quality": This phrase uses 'spoil,' which is more straightforward and easier to understand for a broader audience. However, it might sound slightly less formal compared to 'undercut' or 'compromise.' This is a good choice if you want to communicate the idea in a more accessible way.
- "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality": The word 'compromise' conveys a sense of reducing or weakening the quality, which aligns well with the context of your article. It is formal and commonly used, making it a safe and solid choice.
In summary, each of these choices is well suited, but they each have different nuances. If you're looking for a strong, impactful phrase, the first option would be best. If you want an accessible, easier-to-understand phrase, go with the second option. If you want a safe, solid, and commonly used phrase, choose the third option.
Personally, I lean slightly towards "Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality" because 'compromise' conveys the potential downside well without being overly severe, and it's commonly understood in this context. However, the choice is yours based on the tone and emphasis you wish to set.
実は、私は 'Undercut' で、もう一人のAIは 'Spoil' を選びました。
とすると、無難さという点では 'Compromise' が一番でしょうかね?
ご説明を拝聴すると、"Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality" の選択が適切だと感じます。'Compromise'は、貴重な意見の損なわれる可能性を適切に伝えつつ、過度に強調することなく、信頼性やプロフェッショナリズムを保つ選択肢と言えます。
そのため、より無難で、誤解を避けることを重視するなら、"Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality" が適していると思います。
おお! これは本当に素晴らしい revision ですね!!
追加で質問があるのですが、以下の表現はどう思いますか? 恐らく、少し不自然だと思うのですが、うまく表現するのが難しいです。
However, there is a level where "you can distinguish between good and bad in quality, even if you can't complete the work on your own".
"However, there is a point where you can discern the quality of the work - distinguishing good from bad - even if you can't complete the task entirely by yourself."
ありがとう! 素晴らしい訳です。まさに、望んでいた表現そのものですね。
This allows humans to tackle more challenging tasks than before. And that, in turn, leads to the improvement of the quality of work with AI, through the growth of our perspective and discernment ability.
"This empowers humans to take on tasks that are more challenging than before. The subsequent growth in our perspective and discernment abilities can, in turn, lead to improvements in the quality of work done in collaboration with AI."
この中での「人間」を、人類全体をイメージさせる humans から、より身近な、各個人を表すような表現にしたいのですが、良い案はあるでしょうか?
"This empowers each individual to take on tasks that are more challenging than before. The subsequent growth in one's perspective and discernment abilities can, in turn, lead to improvements in the quality of work done in collaboration with AI."
ここでは "each individual"と "one's"を使って、人間全体ではなく個々の人を強調しました。
#### Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality
As mentioned earlier in the explanation of the human role as an 'editor', this point is crucial. Through this work, I deeply felt that the judgment of the human side significantly influences the final quality. It's important to note that this influence can be both positive and negative.
For example, in this case, there were moments where I struggled with judging the quality of the English translation due to the limitations of my own English proficiency. Consequently, there were likely instances where I unintentionally worsened a sentence that should have been good, or missed problematic areas without noticing them.
To maximize the potential of AI, I feel that it is essential for us to train our 'critical eye'.
#### Nonetheless, The Quality Is Considerably Improved Than When Working Alone
As stated above, we should not perceive AI support as something that instantly delivers 'perfect quality'.
However, there is a point where you can discern the quality of the work - distinguishing good from bad - even if you can't accomplish the task entirely by yourself. I felt that AI elevates us to that point.
This empowers each individual to take on tasks that are more challenging than before. The subsequent growth in one's perspective and discernment abilities can, in turn, lead to improvements in the quality of work done in collaboration with AI.
In other words, I felt that a one of significant roles for humans going forward is to continue striving for higher levels with the support of AI.
Your revisions are excellent! The points you're making are clear, and the language flows smoothly. Here are a few minor suggestions to further enhance readability and concision:
#### Inadequate 'Critical Eye' Can Compromise the Final Quality
As outlined earlier when discussing the human 'editor' role, the quality of human judgement significantly influences the final product. This influence can be both positive and negative.
For example, my own limitations in English proficiency sometimes made judging the quality of the English translations difficult. Consequently, there may have been instances where I inadvertently degraded a good sentence or overlooked flaws.
To harness the full potential of AI, it's essential for us to refine our 'critical eye'.
#### Nonetheless, The Quality Is Significantly Higher Than When Working Alone
As I've stated, we shouldn't view AI assistance as a magic wand that instantly delivers 'perfect quality'.
However, AI can elevate us to a level where we're capable of discerning the quality of work - distinguishing good from bad - even if we can't accomplish the entire task on our own.
This empowers each of us to undertake more challenging tasks than before. The resulting growth in our perspectives and discernment abilities can then lead to further improvements in the quality of work done in collaboration with AI.
In other words, one of the significant roles for us going forward is to continually strive for higher levels of achievement with the support of AI.
ありがとう! 伝えたい意図を保ったまま、全体がずいぶん読みやすくなっています!
特に 'degraded' という語の選択は良いですね。単語自体は知っていたのですが、ここで使う事は全く思いつきませんでした。まさにピッタリの語だと思います。
また、'magic' という語は、実は私もここで一度使おうとしたのですが、うまく表現できる自身が無かったので、諦めたんですよ。そしたら、あなたが見事に使ってくれたので、とても嬉しいです!
続けて、一点だけ質問したい点があるのですが、それは「As outlined earlier when discussing the human 'editor' role, the quality of human judgement significantly influences the final product.」の文の「final product」についてです。これは、「翻訳作業の翻訳結果」を表す場合にも自然な表現でしょうか?
はい、そのご質問に対する答えは「はい」です。英語では、「product」は物理的な製品だけでなく、作業やプロセスから生じる結果全般を指すことがよくあります。したがって、「翻訳作業の翻訳結果」も「final product」と表現することが適切です。この表現は非常に汎用的で、多くの文脈で自然に使うことができます。
ただし、もし「product」が物理的な製品を連想させると感じる場合は、「output」や「result」などの単語も使えます。例えば、「the quality of human judgement significantly influences the final output」や「the quality of human judgement significantly influences the final result」などと表現することも可能です。
### 最終結果
* [英訳した記事](URL)
* [元の日本語の記事](URL)
結果は大成功でした! なので、とても感慨深く、嬉しかったです。本当にすごい時代になりましたね!
### Final Result
I referenced it once in the middle of this article, but the final English translation is as follows:
* [English translated article](URL)
* [Original Japanese article](URL)
Due to the limitations of my English proficiency, which I took on the editor role, the translation probably wouldn't be considered "perfect." Still, when compared to the results I would have achieved translating by myself, I believe it is significantly better. I owe it to the AI!
As an aside, the workflow style I explained throughout this article was actually honed through months of casual conversation and discussion with the ChatGPT AI. For instance, the AI suggested the idea that "to clarify responsibilities, a human should always hold the editing position and make the final decision."
So, as I finally began working with AI this time, I approached it with a somewhat experimental mindset, wondering, "Will this workflow style, which was refined together with the AI, actually work in practice...?" To be honest, I was worried that it might be too complicated right from the start.
The result was a resounding success! I was deeply moved and incredibly delighted. Truly, we live in amazing times!
### Final Result
As mentioned earlier in the middle of this article, the final translation results are as follows:
* [English Translated Article](URL)
* [Original Japanese Article](URL)
Due to the limitations of my English proficiency, taking on the role of the editor, the translation may not be considered "perfect". However, compared to if I had translated it alone, I believe the translation has improved significantly. Thanks to the AI models!
On a side note, the workflow itself that I have described throughout this explanation was hummered out through discussions with ChatGPT AI several months ago. For example, the point of "having a human in the editing role to make final judgments in order to clarify responsibility" was an opinion put forward by the AI.
So, as I finally began collaborating with AI in the actual work this time, I approached it with a somewhat experimental mindset, wondering, "Does the workflow we devised together with the AI actually work in practice...?" To be honest, I had concerns about it being too complex, as it was my first time working with AIs.
The result was a great success! I was deeply moved and incredibly delighted. We have truly entered an amazing era!
Your edited version reads very well! It maintains the intended meaning, and the flow of information is clear and engaging. Here are a few minor suggestions for refinement:
### Final Result
As mentioned earlier in this article, the final translation results are as follows:
* [English Translated Article](URL)
* [Original Japanese Article](URL)
Due to the limitations of my English proficiency in the editor role, the translation may not reach the level of "perfect". However, compared to a scenario where I had done the translation alone, I believe the quality has improved significantly. My gratitude goes to the AI models!
On a side note, the workflow that I've described throughout this article was actually hammered out through discussions with the ChatGPT AI over several months. For instance, the concept of "assigning a human to the editing role to ensure clear responsibility and final decision-making" was an idea proposed by the AI.
When I finally started collaborating with the AI on this translation task, I did so with a somewhat experimental mindset, wondering, "Will the workflow we developed together with the AI actually hold up in practice...?" Honestly, I had concerns about it being overly complex, especially since it was my first time working with AIs in this way.
The result? A resounding success! I was deeply moved and utterly delighted. We have truly stepped into a remarkable era!
In the fourth paragraph, I suggested using "assigning" instead of "having" for the human role to make it more action-oriented, which might emphasize the active role of the human in the workflow. In the last paragraph, I used "utterly" to make the expression of joy more emphatic. These are minor suggestions and you can choose to use them based on your preference.
最初の段落の最後、AIへのカジュアルな謝辞に相当する「My gratitude goes to the AI models!」の部分についてですが、「My gratitude goes to the two AIs!」としても違和感は無いでしょうか?
全く問題ありません。「My gratitude goes to the two AIs!」は完全に自然な表現で、ここで使用するのに適しています。より具体的にAIを二つと指定することで、感謝のメッセージがより具体的で個人的なものになります。それは読者に対する誠実さを伝えるのに役立ちます。
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