Updated RINEARN Graph 3D: Fixed Bugs About "Reverse X/Y/Z" Options, etc.

On November 3, we have released the new version of RINEARN Graph 3D: Ver.5.6.30. This update contains some bug fixes. In this article, we explain details of the fixed bugs.
Details of Fixed Bugs
Sometimes effects of "Reverse X/Y/Z" options were reset.
On RINEARN Graph 3D, users can reverse the directions of the X/Y/Z axes, by enabling/disabling "Reverse X/Y/Z" options from the menu bar.
However, sometimes effects of the above options were reset, e.g.: when the "Flat" option was enabled/disabled, or when the camera parameters were updated by the "Set Camera" menu.
Could not recover the number of sectors of a "contour plot" from a setting file.
An another bug is related with the loading of setting files.
On RINEARN Graph 3D, users can save settings (containing parameters of options) to a file, and recover the settings by loading the file.
However, we could not recover the value of the setting parameter "Number of Sections" of the contour plot, by loading the setting file.
Fixed the above bugs
We have fixed the above two bugs by Ver.5.6.0.
We apologize that you may have been confused by the above bug's tricky behaviour.
We really appreciate an user's detailed bug reports. It have greatly helped us to reproduce/fix the above bugs. Thank you!

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