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» How to Use

The RINPn (RINEARN Processor nano) is a free scientific calculator software, having having very simple UI. The RINPn is available on both of the GUI (calculator window) and the CUI (command-line terminal).

In addition, the RINPn is customizable and programmable. For example, you can define new functions and variables by writing scripts, and can extend built-in functions by developing plug-ins in Java®, and so on.

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Available on Various OSes for PC

The RINPn is the calculator software developed in Java®, so you can use it on Microsoft® Windows®, Linux, and other OSes for PC. Furthermore, you can put the RINPn in your USB memory, and use it on multiple PCs without installation.

For Microsoft Windows

To execute the RINPn, double-click "RINPn.bat (Type: Windows Batch File)" in the downaloded/extracted folder. When you first execute the RINPn, you can optionally get the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which is required to run (it will put in the "jre" folder of the RINPn, and will not be installed in the system of your PC).

For Linux, etc.

To execute the RINPn, set the current directory (by "cd" command) to the downloaded/extracted folder, and input the following command:

java -jar RINPn.jar

If any error occurs and it indicates "java" command is not available, installing Java Runtime Environment (JRE) into your PC is required for executing this software. You might install a JRE of the OpenJDK project easily by "apt" command and so on, but please note that "headless" version is not available for the RINPn.

For both of Windows and Linux, you can use the RINPn on the command-line terminal, by adding the path of "cmd" folder of the RINPn to the environment variable: "Path" or "PATH". » Details

Simple Window

The RINPn's window has very common UI in scientific calculators, so it is very easy to start using the RINPn.

Window Design

Also, you can retract the key panel, if you don't need it.

Retracted Key Panel

The window color, opacity, font sizes, and so on are customizable.

Input the Whole of Expression

You can input and calculate the whole of the expression. In addition, you can use various mathematical and statistical functions in the expression.

An example of the calculation of a complicated expression.
- Mathematical/Statistical Functions Supported by Default -
sin / cos / tan / asin / acos / atan / abs(absolute value) sqrt(square root) / log10 / ln(log with the base "e") / pow / exp / sum / mean / van(variance, denominator: N) / van1(variance, denominator: N-1) / sdn(standard-deviation, denominator: N) / sdn1(standard-deviation, denominator: N-1) / rad(conversion from degree to radian) / deg(conversion from radian to degree) ... etc.
» List and Details

Define Functions and Variables

The RINPn supports C-like simple scripting language* for defining functions and variables by users. You can define them in library script files in "lib" folder, and use them in the calculation expression on the RINPn.

- Example of the Library Script File -

* The language supported by the RINPn is the "Vnano", which is a simple scripting language/engine for embedded use in applications, developed by RINEARN. For features and syntax of the Vnano, see: Features of the Vnano as a Language - Vnano Tutorial

Execute Script Files

In addition to defining functions/variable as the above, you can write complicated calculation code in a script file, and compute it by the RINPn.

For example, following scripts are distributed on the code archive in the official website of the VCSSL/Vnano, and you can use them on the RINPn.

Solve The Lorenz Equations Numerically

Solve the Lorenz equations, and output data to plot the solution curve (well-known as the "Lorenz Attractor") on a 3D graph.
Output Data of Numerical Integration For Plotting Graph

Example code computing integrated values numerically, and output data for plotting the integrated functions into graphs.
Compute Integral Value Numerically

Example code computing integral values numerically by using rectangular method, trapezoidal method, and Simpson's rule.

Available in the Command-Line

By adding the path of "cmd" folder of the RINPn to the environment variable: "Path" or "PATH"., "rinpn" command which enables to calculate expressions on the command-line terminal will be available.

■ rinpn "1 + 2"

■ rinpn "(1 + 2) * 3 - 4 / 5"

■ rinpn "100 * (sqrt(2) / PI) * ( sin(2.3) + cos(3.4) ) / ( 1 + tan(2.8/2) )"

About how to add path, please search by: "how to add path windows" or "how to add path linux".

Open Source Softare

The RINPn is an open source software. The source code of the RINPn is distributed under the MIT license. It is the same for the Vnano, which is the scripting engine/language used in the RINPn.


You can use the RINPn right now !

Please extract a zip file downloaded from the above link. Then double-click "RINPn.bat (Windows Batch File)", or execute "RINPn.jar (Executable Jar File)" on the command-line terminal. » Details

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  • Linux is a trademark of linus torvalds in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Ubuntu is a trademark of Canonical Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Other names may be either a registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

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Japanese English
Index of this category

Software Updates: Command Expansion in RINEARN Graph, and English Support in VCSSL
2024/02/05 - We updated our apps. This updates include "Enhancing the Command-Line Features of RINEARN Graph" and "Adding English Support to VCSSL." Delves into each of them!

Inside the Repetitive Execution Speedup Impremented in Vnano Ver.1.1
2024/01/17 - Delves into the update in Vnano 1.1 from a developer's viewpoint, providing detailed insights into the specific improvements made to the internal structure of the script engine.

Scripting Engine Vnano Ver.1.1 Released: Dramatic Speed Improvement for Repetitive Executions of the Same Content
2023/12/22 - Released the Vnano script engine Ver.1.1. In this version, we've made significant enhancements in processing speed by reducing the overhead of handling requests. Explains the details.

Code Archive
Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Fizz Buzz Program

A program printing the correct result of Fizz Buzz game.
Vnano | Solve The Lorenz Equations Numerically

Solve the Lorenz equations, and output data to plot the solution curve (well-known as the "Lorenz Attractor") on a 3D graph.
» More