RINEARN Front Desk
The AI offers a variety of information about RINEARN.
Additionally, for detailed guidance on how to use specific software, it introduces specialized assistant AIs that are knowledgeable about each individual software.
RINEARN Graph 3D Assistant
The assistant can answer a variety of questions, from how to download and launch the software to how to use each feature and the format of data files.
It is also knowledgeable in Java, so it can assist you with programming RINEARN Graph 3D using Java. While it may not have the full coding capabilities for Java, it can still write fairly decent VCSSL sample code.
RINPn Assistant
It answers various questions, from how to get started and use each mode to the details of the settings. RINPn has a simple interface but a surprisingly large number of features, which makes the manual quite extensive. This AI might be just what you need to fully utilize it.
For questions regarding the scripting language "Vnano," which can be used within RINPn, it's recommended to ask the "Vnano Assistant," as it has more in-depth knowledge.
Vnano Assistant
The assistant can guide you through everything from obtaining the source code for the scripting engine, creating the application-side code, and building and running it. It also provides information on various settings, as well as Vnano's syntax and usage as a language.
Additionally, it is knowledgeable in Java and can assist with programming tasks to some extent.
Exevalator Assistant
The assistant can guide you through everything from obtaining the source code to creating sample code in various languages, compiling, and running the code.
It can also assist with programming tasks to some extent. Exevalator can be used with Java, Rust, C++, C#, and VB.NET, and the assistant has sufficient programming skills to write sample code that aligns with the user's intent in each of these languages.
How to create AI
In the articles below, we share insights and techniques for creating assistant AIs like these. Feel free to take a look for reference!