Japanese English

RINPn User Guide

The online user guide of the RINPn. The same document is bundled in the package of the RINPn.


Introduction - Overview of the RINPn and Preparation to Use
Introducing the RINPn, and explaining preparations to use the RINPn.

Step 1 - How to Use in GUI Mode (on the Calculator Window)
Explaining how to calculate on the calculator window of the RINPn.

Step 2 - How to Use in CUI Mode (on the Command-Line Terminal)
Explaining how to calculate by using the RINPn in a command-line.

Step 3 - How to Execute Scripts
Explaining how to execute scripts for complicated numerical calculations, automatic processings, and so on.

Step 4 - How to Add Functions/Variables by Scripts (Library Scripts)
Explaining how to implement new functions/variables as script code, for using them on the RINPn.

Step 5 - Implement Functions/Variables in Java® (Plug-in Development)
Explaining how to implement new functions/variables in Java®, for using them on the RINPn.

Step 6 - How to Embed into Other Software
Explaining how to embed the calculation/scripting engine of the RINPn to other sowtware written in Java®.

Appendix - List of Built-in Functions/Variables
The list of frequently-used functions/variables available on the RINPn.
- Trademarks/Credits -
  • Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • Microsoft Windows is either a registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Linux is a trademark of linus torvalds in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Other names may be either a registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

Japanese English
Index of this category

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Code Archive
Circular Wave Animation

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Sine Wave Animation

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